Saturday, June 28, 2008

God's Colour


Written by Colin Immelman
Does God’s skin have a colour, perse?
What does the Good Book on this subject say?
God is good and He is always the same,
God is, was and will always Be,
But He is not for us to see,
Even though He is Three,
God, Son and Holy Spirit, and will always Be!
Man was made to His image,
But that is only how we see it.
Nowhere does the Bible specify or point out,
As to His skin colour, so let’s not get into a bout.
However, when Jesus Christ walked about men,
Once on the hill, shiny white was His appearance then,
Take a peek at Matthews seventeen.
However, no picture or image of Him should be,
Made or drawn anywhere for us to see,
Or bow down to on our knee.
Exodus twenty is proof for us to read!
God does not have a skin, or colour, in my opinion,
But He is Pure! And Holy! That is the Holy Union.
What we do know,
‘Cause the Good Book tells us so,
Is that one day He will come again, on a cloud, pure and white,
Oh, how what a delight!
So my friend, to a white God, or how an’ where you pray,
Doesn’t matter to me, God will have the final say!
The question to ask is, are we ready?
To be judged on our deeds, oh so unsteady.

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Friday, June 27, 2008

A few poems

Written by Colin Immelman.
Proudly South African?
You must be jokin’!
You tell me, how can anyone be proud of savages, who kill babies,
Who rape and maim innocent ladies?

A government that hides the true,
Keeping accurate facts from me and you.
Old or young, female or male,
Crime hits us all with a gale.

Power cuts, fuel shortages, strikes, unemployment and high inflation?
How can you be proud of such a nation?
You tell me……
Are you as proud as can be?

Arsons, killings, robberies and hi – jacking,
Don’t you for one moment think that discipline is seriously lacking?
Teachers fear for their lives, kids rule the schools with knives,
Some with sticks and stones, other with bad attitudes and firearms,
What do you suppose is the reason for their qualms?

Kids are not to be disciplined by their parents, for they’d be liable,
The parents that is, so what happened to the laws of the Bible?
The Good Book teaches us the “Ten Commandments”,
But we are forced to give heed to a corrupt government’s,
Rules, regulations and laws,
But it is plain to see there are major flaws.

Farmers who supply old and young with meat and grain,
They are, without reason I might add, shot and slain.
The standard of many a service has dropped,
Mainly to accommodate the slob!

Now you tell me my proud friend,
Can you be proud of this trend?
Of course, it is your constitutional right to be,
But rather leave me out of that melee,
As I have the brains and logic to see,
That the future of this country, in its feeble arms, holds disaster and a trying time,
What with no electricity, shortage of fuel, brewing anarchy and ample crime!
You keep on being proudly South African my trusting friend,
For your only chance of survival, will be to keep up with this trend!

A few poems

Please be my Valentine?

With this poem I thee ask: please be my Valentine……?
Wow! That would be a blast!
Days, months, almost a year already, I have been eyeing you, my Fairy.
So beautiful, so dainty and how sexy you are!
And you innocently unaware, that of you I secretly steal a glance from afar.
I love watching you, oh so fair, I love the way you pull your fingers through your golden hair,
Now if only you’d agree to be my Valentine,
My dull existence, you’d make, oh so sublime!
Shy I am, so terribly shy,
Therefore this short poem I thee wri…...
With a heart so full of love to give, all I ask of you… believe,
That I will make you, my dear fairy, even without a wand,
The happiest fairy in all of wonderland!
So with this poem I thee ask,
Please, be my Valentine, please, just say…..ja!

Colin Immelman

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