Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Going nowhere in a hurry!


Take a look around you, pay attention,
What is the position of your pension?

What is the standard of education in our schools?
Are we being led around by fools?
No electricity, fuel price going through the roof,
Crime soaring, of that we all have proof.

Are we the fools for being brainwashed by those supposed to lead the way?
That everything is hunky dory, coz that’s what they say!
That it is normal for this or that to happen, we have to suffer shedding of load,
And we must pay for their mistakes, even up to 60% more is what we are told.

Now I listen to the optimist, “yes, but in other countries you’ll find the same!”
I say, “Bull dust man, I don’t live in ‘other countries’, your excuse is lame!”

To me this is a pathetic state of affair,
And like sheep we fall in, go with the flow and share,
Abide by and accept. Others? Damn, they just don’t care.
My opinion? I think we are all getting brainwashed to accept,
The sorry state of affairs, mayhem, chaos and in general a concept,
Either lower your standards or get the hell out!
Both of which many are doing, or have done, without a doubt.
So the sorry state will continue while we sit idle,
Accepting, abiding, going with the flow, man, it’s like riding a horse without a bridle!

1 comment:

Cultura Pop said...

gostei muito, beijos..